Thursday 12 October 2017

How to Encourage Your Child to Get Active Physically

Before we talk about how to convince your child about physical activity, here are a few facts that you should know.

  • Number children who remain physically active are 1 out of 3.
  • The time that should be considered enough to be considered as a physical activity is almost 50% of the total time spent every day.
  • Teens and children now consider getting their entertainment from TVs, computers and smartphones for about 7 hours a day.
  • In United States, 1 in every 3 children is obese or overweight.
  • There is 70 % chance of overweight teens to become overweight or obese adults.

Now, let’s discuss about the encouraging your child to remain physically active.

Talk with the child’s doctor
Children’s doctors tend to develop psychological relationship with the children. Hence, if you talk about your child with your child’s doctor, you can certainly, the doctor will certainly be help your child to come on board and be convinced about getting up and going some exercise.

Make it fun
The children won’t continue doing something if they are not going to find the fun factor inside it. Hence, you will need to make physical activity something your child would do for fun. You can ask something your child likes to stay with to go outside with the kid and do some physical workout. This way, the child will find it something to cool to imitate.

Plan it appropriately
When you plan to encourage your kids to engage in physical activity on regular basis, you should plan it properly. It means that children should be given adequate time and plant to play and jump around. You can also include taking your kids to nearby playground on regular basis in your plans.

Safety is important
When children play, they are usually less careful about staying safe. In fact, they should focus on taking age-appropriate risks to develop a habit of exploring. Therefore, they should be provided with necessary tools and equipment to keep them safe during play. If you are planning on roughhousing, make sure that you are not doing in the area where there are delicate items which can get damaged.

Be a role model
Children like to follow the lead. Although you are convinced about physical activity and its benefits and you also want your kids to engage with it, your inability to do it is not going help your children. You will need to convince your children with your actions. Get some time free to be physically active. Your children will like to follow you.

Reduce screen time
The children and teens of today’s age remain quite engaged with the screens of computer, TVs or phones. This activity doesn’t do anything good to the overall health if it is continued like an addiction. Therefore, reducing the screen time is the ultimate way to give children something else to do.